tHE Movin’ Mamas Mission


Movin’ Mamas NYC  promises to get moms’ heart rates up, flatten tummies, cinch waists and whittle away at stubborn saddle bags.

As a mother and Post-Natal Pilates expert, Movin’ Mamas’ co-founder and master teacher Randi Stone has a great understanding of the obstacles involved in getting in shape after pregnancy.

The Movin’ Mamas full body workout rehabilitates the core, heals the pelvic floor, improves posture and flexibility, relieves common new mama aches and pains, and releases stress. Our clients can expect to tone and strengthen their seats, abdominals, thighs, arms, and backs while working toward improved cardiovascular health.

All exercises can be modified to the individual’s appropriate fitness level!

It is common for women to carry excess weight in their torso even years after giving birth. This often dangerous weight can put extra stress on the internal organs ( i.e. heart) and the back. Combined with a sensible diet, a cardiovascular workout with core-based strength training is the most effective way to lose weight and/or maintain a healthy body. For women with an abdominal muscle separation, this is a Diastasis safe workout!