Movin' Mamas Classes


All of our classes are “on demand.” 

So, gather 2 to 5 friends and babies to join the Movin’ Mamas class in Riverside or Central Park — anywhere in the high 70s — high 80s in either park.

The price is $210 per class. So, if you have six people, that breaks down to $35 per mom and baby pair.


Stroller Classes

In this 50 minute class, be prepared to move, sweat, and have fun along with other Moms.  Use your own body weight for resistance, along with the stroller, bands and balls, as well as park benches, trees, etc… To ensure you receive the utmost attention for your time, effort and money, the Movin Mamas’ class size is limited to eight participants. In the first classes, the sessions will be divided in half. The first half will be Pilates, emphasizing principles and techniques, and the second half cardio.

As the weeks progress, to get your rate up, Pilates and cardio will be fused throughout the whole hour. This unique combination of Pilates and cardio will teach you how to use your abdominal muscles properly and work in proper alignment during the workout to maximize results and prevent injury. Unlike other stroller-based fitness classes in NYC, Movin’ Mamas assesses its participants’ progress, caps its class size and requires a commitment to fitness by asking participants to sign up for a series of classes to increase commitment and success.

What are you waiting for? Get Movin’, Mama!